Jaktia opens new stores in Langeskov on Funen and Jyllinge on Sjælland

Press release from Jaktia AB

Jaktia opens new stores in Langeskov on Funen and Jyllinge on Sjælland.

Sie-Hunting in Langeskov, currently owned by Pierre Ulrichsen, will become part of Jaktia as of 1/1 2024.

Sie-Hunting is centrally located in the middle of the country with a 300m2 shop right next to the motorway on Funen. Jaktia Langeskov is only one of Pierre's Jaktia stores. Because in the run up to the buck hunt 2024, Jaktia and Pierre Ulrichsen are opening another store in Jyllinge. Jaktia Jyllinge thus, becoming the first store in Denmark to launch Jaktia's store concept in the area.

This will be a large store in Jyllinge, with significant departments for both hunting, dogs, sport fishing and outdoor life.

The Jaktia Jyllinge and Jaktia Langeskov stores are owned by Pierre Ulrichsen and run by Pierre Ulrichsen together with Rasmus Jørgensen, who has experience from both hunting, sport fishing and trading. Both Pierre, who is a dedicated hunter and angler, as well as Rasmus, who brings solid knowledge, weapons and weapon technology as well as outdoor life, both have their roots in the area around Roskilde.

It feels like a really good solution, says Jaktia's managing director Lars Martinsson.

- We have got some good store locations in Jyllinge along Frederiksborgvej and in Langeskov right next to the motorway, both of which are thoroughfares with more than 60,000 passers-by per day.

From here, we are very well equipped to take care of all the region's hunters, fishermen and everyone who cares about outdoor life, says Lars.

- Jyllinge is in Roskilde Municipality, which, with approximately 91,000 inhabitants, is very important to us. There is big interest in hunting and outdoors in the region, and there are many who have been waiting a long time for us to open here.

Jaktia has been present through stores around the country for some years now.

- It feels good that we are now also represented in the Langeskov and Jyllinge area. Our close cooperation with the most recognized brands, our long experience, our knowledge and service via the stores are the core of our business, says Lars.

-In addition to hunting, fishing and outdoor life, we will also invest a lot in activities and customer events and wants the store to function as a natural meeting place for our customers, concludes Pierre Ulrichsen.

Jaktia is part of the Nordics' largest hunting/fishing chain Burdock Outdoor Group with around 170 stores all over the Nordic region. Read more at www.jaktia.se

For further information contact:
Lars Martinsson, CEO, Jaktia AB
Telephone: 031-785 19 47
E-mail: lars.martinsson@jaktia.se

Pierre Ulrichsen
Telephone: 70701712
Email: pu@sie-hunting.com